Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Watching soccer and getting hammered in Amsterdam for my 30th birthday


So last night we hung out with a few hundred Dutch folks to watch one of the biggest soccer matches for their country in a long long time. We went to this Irish pub after a guy we met on a train a couple of days ago mentioned it was a good place to watch. Our table was in a prime location due to getting there 2.5 hours prior to gametime. In which time we had a plate of nachos and some beers. Yeah, another day of only two meals, and one happened to only be nachos, we're dumbasses I know. The difference in this day and many others, as of late, is that last night I was drinking Guiness and Anthony was drinking Murphy's Red... both much more potent than the lager beers we've had a ton of lately.

Throw in an Irish carbomb that the guy at our table got us, and you have a mix for two really drunk Americans in downtown Amsterdam. At one point I was walking and Anthony was behind me, and a few minutes later he was nowhere to be seen... so both of us, drunk off our asses, had to figure out our way home on our I had no real problem other than walking straight...haha. Anthony on the other hand took the train the wrong way at first, then had to make his way back... but he rolled in around 45 minutes after me, so it wasn't that bad. He wanted to go out for a bit more and I was like, no way... I'm pretty wasted.

So, I remember all of my night at which point I turned 30. I have yet to rethink my life or change anything now that I've reached the big 30. People say things change when you turn 30, but nothing seems different to me. I guess we'll see.

The agenda for today is nonexistent, we'll go downtown and find another pub to watch the Germany game and see where we go from there. Perhaps we'll even eat some food at some point

1 comment:

ginger said...

sounds like a great bday! we are all keeping up with you! sheri, abbi, deb even the kids checked out your pics.