Friday, July 2, 2010

Munich pics

Me and beer.

Random pic with an Australian guy who beer toured with us.

Yeah, not drunk I am.

Augustiner beer garden. Practically a beer factory and drinkery rolled into one...haha

Anthony posing with our drunk tour guide. ROFL.

One of the tour guides who was off duty that night... he was creepy to us. He was a really touchy and feely Irishman that was piss Then we had a few Mexican dudes who were cool, one here is doing a shot of tequila, with another Canadian next to him, it was a fairly young crowd, but lots of fun.

Random Australian and Canadian chicks we hung out with at the hostel, another late drinking night after a beer garden crawl.

The sign in our hostel elevator... This didn't happen at any time while I was there, but it woulda been funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg that's awesome :-P